12th Fail Movie is inspired by the life story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma and his wife IRS officer Shraddha Joshi. The film stars Vikrant Massey as Sharma, alongside Medha Shankr, Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar, and Priyanshu Chatterjee.
12th Fail Movie Reviews|Yogesh Ishwar,Vidhu Vinod Chopra|
Year – 2023
Origin – India
Director – Vidhu Vinod Chopra
Creators – Vidhu Vinod Chopra ,Yogesh Ishwar
Starring by- Vikrant Massey,Medha Shankr,
Anant Joshi,Anshumaan pushkar
Writers – Vidhu Vinod Chopra,
Jaskunwar kohli,Anurag Pathak
Music – Shantanu Moitra
Genre – Drama
Release – 27 October 2023
| About 12th Fail Movie |
It is a Hindi-language biographical drama movie which is written and directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The movie is based on Anurag Pathak’s non-fiction book, which was based on the real-life story of IPS Manoj Kumar Sharma. Manoj Kumar Sharma, who overcame extreme poverty to become an Indian Police Service officer.
|12th Fail Movie|12th Movie Fail Reviews|
Must watch movie for every aspirants. The movie based on real life story. The struggle faced by a main character showed beautiful in the movie which makes movie stand out. The story presented in a best way which makes you cry, laugh and enjoy at the same time. It’s a struggle story of aspirants who want to achieve his success at any cost. This movie is a big inspiration for kids and future generation. It teaches them and us that life can be restarted multiple times and can bounce back stronger.
|12th Fail Movie |12th Fail Trailer in hindi|
click here to watch this movie on Disney + Hotstar