Laapataa Ladies (2024) Movie is Indian Hindi-language comedy drama film directed by Kiran Rao, and produced by Rao, Aamir Khan,and Jyoti Deshpande. It stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan, and tells the story of two young newly-wed brides who get exchanged during a train ride to their husband’s.
Laapataa Ladies (2024)-Movie|Review,Cast,Release date
Year – 2024
Origin – India
Creators – Aamir Khan,Kiran Rao, Jyoti Deshpande
Starring by- Nitanshi Goel, Sparsh Shrivastava
Pratibha Ranta ,Abhay Dubey, , Chhaya Kadam , Ravi Kishan
Writers – ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is adapted from Biplab Goswami’s story ‘Two Brides’. The movie, scripted by Sneha Desai
Director – Kiran Rao
Music – Ram Sampath
Genre – Comedy/Drama
Released by – 1 March 2024
Laapataa Ladies (2024)- Laapataa Ladies review:
Laapataa Ladies is a delightful throwback to the golden era of Indian cinema, reminiscent of the days of Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Basu Chatterjee. The actors deliver their roles with such authenticity that the characters feel like people we know or have encountered in our own lives. Ravi Kishan puts in a very strong performance as Manohar and really makes the audience stunned with the plight of his character .
Definitely worth a watch for the whole family.